Una representación teatral en colaboración con La Cuarta Piel en el IVAM con menú degustación.

IVAM / Palate Introspective (CANCELLED)

24th and 25th of February, from 12 pm to 1 pm and from 6 pm to 7 pm (SOLD OUT)


18 pax. capacity. with prior registration.

Sitting at the table is a theatrical performance. There is a stage, props, a series of actors and a script divided into different acts.  The proposal consists in an experience that moves flavour from the centre of the gastronomic experience and delves deeper into the other connotations surrounding the act of eating. With each mouthful, the subjective experience of each diner shares a collective framework that has social and metabolic implications. Each diner plays a role. As in any everyday meal, there will be a series of recognizable elements that bring with them certain expectations: starters, a first course, a main course and dessert. Texture, temperature and aesthetics are all part of the game. 


In the first Act, the attendants are welcomed into a space. This room provides suggestion, warming up, hygiene, and protocol. The Second Room is Deglutition. Diners sit at the table accompanied by audio through headphones. As at any meal, there will be a Third Act: the siesta. Having partaken of some digestifs, they will take a small nap to deal with any anxiety. A soft space with an audio playing in the background which will guide those attending through their digestion.


In collaboration with the artistic group La Cuarta Piel and the chefs David Jengibre and Julián Mascarell.