galería ana serratosa portal calle cabillers viñedo cava botella copa bodega hispano-suizas dicoval

Ana Serratosa Gallery/ Art and Cava

2, 7 and 8 April, from 8 pm to 10 pm


Capacity for 20 people, with prior registration.

Every day Ana Serratosa opens her doors on Cabillers 5 to her latest artistic project: “Inventing 2020 space. Collective intimacies”. There is a tour of the building’s common areas, with contributions by eight different artists from a variety of disciplines: monumental sculpture, video installation, painting, murals…

The gallery director will guide us along this enriching route and take us to the building’s terrace to taste some Valencian cavas from the Hispano-Suizas Bodegas, supplied by Dicoval.